Tuesday, March 1, 2016

BOTB Postponed

Due to incredible amount of insanity going on in my life the scheduled BTOB post has been postponed. I still plan to post one it will just be really late today/tonight.

Nothing super bad going on. However life is just a bit crazy at the moment.


  1. I'll be watching for your Battle. Take it easy.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  2. Take care. Get done whatever needs to get done.
    I shall endeavour to search for your BOTB tonight or tomorrow.

  3. I understand crazy! Will look forward to your battle. Take your time and be good to yourself among all the craziness...

    Michele at Angels Bark

  4. Gotcha, Mike! I'll hop over later today or tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up. Life is full of hiccups!

  5. Far be it for me to chastise you! I've had to sit out and slow down quite a bit this year. Take care!
