Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Battle of the Bands: Midnight Hour

I finally made it running late! Quickly here are the rules are simple I pick a song and present a couple of bands battling it out with the song. You pick the one you like best by casting your vote in the comments. Why you voted the way you did and other comments are always welcomed.

Please check out the other battles I defer to the master list found on this site STMcC Presents 'Battle of the Bands'.

Okay my battle of the bands was delayed but here it is! Fittingly I went with Wilson Pickett's "In the Midnight Hour" because it is in the Midnight Hour!

Contestant One: The Mirettes

Contestant Two: The Young Rascals

Vote for the cover you like best in the comments! I'll be back with a follow up post in about a week with the results.


  1. I'll give this one to The Mirettes. It was much livelier. Maybe it was the compensation on the recordings: The Mirettes sounded more trebly.

  2. Voting for the Young Rascals.

    The singer seems more mature, more believable.

  3. I vote for The Mirettes. They make me want to dance and shake my booty in a very sexy way.


  4. I gotta go with the more bluesy sounding Young Rascals.

  5. I like the second band. I prefer the style of it much more so they get my vote.

  6. Giving this one to The young Rascals. Loved their sound.

  7. This is easy for me. I was a big Rascals fan back in the day and wore out my copy of their Greatest Hits which included this song. I like the Rascals version better than Pickett's in fact. The Mirettes were too shouty and frantic.

    Give my vote to The Young Rascals who if they're still touring are now "The Old Rascals". That's probably why down the road they changed their name to just The Rascals.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  8. Glad to see you finally made the battle at the midnight hour.
    My preference is for the Mirettes.
    They've got a great sound.
    Both (all three really) versions are good, but my vote goes to the Mirettes.

  9. First of all, I can't even THINK of Wilson Pickett without also thinking about that great movie 'THE COMMITMENTS'. The Great LC (DiscConnected) turned me onto that movie and I love it! One of the best music-related movies of all time!

    As for my vote, it's a no-brainer: THE YOUNG RASCALS, of course! Hell, The Mirettes don't even sound old enough to stay up past 9:30. Ha!

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  10. Hi, Mike; It's hard to accept any version other than Wilson Pickett's, but I thought the Young Rascals were better. Please give my vote to them. The Mirettes sounded too shrill.

  11. I really liked the upbeat sound of The Mirettes. Not sure it will help them catch up here, but chalk one for me.

  12. Mike, wee I'm SO glad you came by my place to vote because I totally forgot to check back in with you. Great song to use in this battle; both covers are good. The Mirettes are just a bit too shrill for this song to suit my listening pleasure. Perhaps, if two female groups were going against each other then they'd have a better shot at stealing my vote, so my vote goes to the better-to-me sound of The Young Rascals.

  13. Despite the Mirettes being obviously R&B and The Young Rascals being a rock band, they both sounded incredibly similar to the original, and I am having a hard time picking one which stands out a bit more than the other. I like The Mirettes' vocals best, but the music of The Young Rascals. And the fact that they did a rock version, so I guess my vote goes to The Young Rascals. Great battle!

    Kim (ReInVintaged)
