Thursday, October 1, 2015

Battle of the Bands: Rocktober, Rock and Roll and Shelter

It's October but I like to call it "Rocktober." I heard some radio station call October that many years ago and I like it. It certainly fits well for a theme of my monthly Battle of the Bands. I've thought a bit of some future battles in November and December and thought well they are going to be different twists than plain ole Rock and Roll. Of course I also have given this post some thought and already nixed one battle.

The rules are simple I pick a song and present a couple of bands battling it out with the song. You pick the one you like best by casting your vote in the comments. The why's and other comments are always welcomed.

Please check out the other battles:

The list of Battle of the Bands participants..

 I snagged it from STMcC Presents 'Battle of the Bands': 

@ ‘FAR AWAY SERIES’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'BOOK LOVER' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THIS BELLE ROCKS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'J.A. SCOTT' by clicking HERE.
@ 'NOVELBREWS' by clicking HERE
@ 'QUIET LAUGHTER' by clicking HERE

It's a win win really. They get another visit and they treat you with some more battles featuring cool songs, musicians and bands!

If you are looking to get back to good ole Rock and Roll well the Rolling Stones sounds like a great place to start. 

The Original Song: "Gimme Shelter" by The Rolling Stones

Challenger One: Merry Clayton

Challenger Two: Grandfunk Railroad

A jewel from the Rolling Stones catalog, an original vocalist on The Stones version with her version, against another Rock band Grand Funk Railroad, All we need now is votes and I will be back on the 7th with results.


  1. Against all expectations, Grandfunk Railroad gets my vote. I was not expecting that, haha — they did a GREAT job on this cover! Merry's version is good, no question, but somehow the Railroad's seemed more... I dunno, "together"? Does that make any sense? In any case, that's the version I liked best.

    Great battle, Mike!

  2. If there was ever a song that should have been done by Grand Funk, this is it. They get my vote.

  3. Mike, I'm not a Rolling Stones fan, but I totally dig GFR covering this song. So, give them my vote! Gr8 battle!

  4. Wow, I thought I'd like Grand Funk's version better but I didn't! I'm shocked at myself! I did like their version just fine But I'm giving my vote to Merry Clayton. I like what she did with the song and I love her voice.
    Great match-up, Mike.
    Michele at Angels Bark

  5. Grand Funk Railroad totally got the vote for me. I'd never heard this version - wow!!

  6. I vote for Merry Clayton. I like her funky sound.


  7. Oh, Mike - this was slick. I thought Merry sounded good, but then Grand Funk... well.
    Give GFR my vote, please.
    Nice match up.

  8. Good competition. Rocktober may be my new favorite word :)

    I liked Grand Funk better. Even better than the Stones, I think.

  9. Merry has a great voice, but I didn't like the arrangement of her version. Grand Funk Railroad gets my vote, all the way!

    Happy Rocktober! (adding this to my vocabulary ☺)

  10. Tough call here, Mike.

    I vote for Merry Clayton, but GFR was really good, too.

  11. I prefer Grand Funk Railroad-I love the styling of the song from them more and I always just imagine a man singing it with the woman vocals in the background. I don;t know why but it appeals better to me

  12. Good BATTLE Mike. I liked both versions, but Grand Fund Railroad a little bit better. Give them my vote.

  13. I am not a Rolling Stones fan at all. But THIS song I like a lot! Easily my very favorite song by the Stones.

    Between these two covers, far and away, my vote goes to MERRY CLAYTON.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  14. This is a great song. I enjoyed the version from Merry Clayton more. I think it rocked more.
