Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Happy Birthday Trey Anastasio!

Today is Trey Anastasio's 51st birthday! Trey is the guitarist, vocalist, songwriter for the popular jam band Phish. Most recently he was tabbed to replace Jerry Garcia in The Grateful Dead Fare Thee Well shows.

Here is Trey with Bruce Hornsby and the surviving core members of the Grateful Dead..

A solo song "Sometime after Sunset"..

My birthday celebration of Trey Anastasio would not be complete without some Phish. Below is Phish with Farm House..

Are you a Phish fan? If so what is your favorite song? Please feel free to share in the comments.
I will be back tomorrow with a new Battle of the Bands so stay tuned.


  1. I do like Phish, but not enough to know their songs. And since their songs kind of jam and ramble I think the effect of what I hear in them is more important that any actual content. But that said I think they are an outstanding group.

    I'll try to remember to come back to your Battle after it goes up.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  2. I saw him at the National Guitar Workshop about twenty years ago, when he put on a clinic and a concert for everyone who was interested. I had never heard of Phish before that, and still haven't heard much of their music, but I was really impressed with his playing and the seriousness he took with his music, even as he didn't take himself all that seriously. Geez, 51? Now I feel old...
