Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Happy Birthday Pink!

Today Pink celebrates a birthday and we celebrate her music on my blog. Pink was a contestant on one of my Battle of the Bands contest you can relive that battle here.

You've certainly heard this song..."Just Give Me A Reason"

Here she is with "So What"...

"Raise Your Glass" to her for her birthday...

I will wrap it up with "Try"..

Do you have a favorite Pink song? What do you think of her as an artist? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. I'll be back soon with a new post!


  1. I'm a huge fan of Pink!! I like her no apologies attitude and she's crazy talented. She blew me away when she performed on some awards show a few years ago and she did these stunts like from Cirque de Solei. I think she's a great singer.

  2. Not really a fan - but I'd like to see her tattoo!

  3. She had a song out a good while back that I really liked. But, I'll be darn if I can remember the title! Oldtimers. ;)
