Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Battle of the Bands number 24: My One Year Anniversary Battle

It is hard to believe it has been one year since my first Battle of the Bands battle.

Some bumps in the road but it has become one of my favorite blog hops. A lot of it becoming one of my favorites is the other participants. Everyone sharing music it is pretty neat. Especially when the music might be in a genre or era you don't necessarily listen to a lot. Sometimes it is hearing a song you know done differently. Sometimes people share music that is right up your musical alley that you have never heard before. Another thing I have discovered is the participants have some interesting blogs. Several times I have gone to check out a battle on a participant's blog and ended up sidetrack checking out their other blog posts.

The Battle of  the Bands has grown since I started and I am sure that os true when it started two years ago.

Hopefully this is the updated list of participants. I snagged it from STMcC Presents 'Battle of the Bands': 

@ ‘FAR AWAY SERIES’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ by clicking HERE.
@ ‘YOUR DAILY DOSE’ by clicking HERE.
@ 'BOOK LOVER' by clicking HERE.
@ 'MIKE'S RAMBLINGS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'CURIOUS AS A CATHY' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THIS BELLE ROCKS' by clicking HERE.
@ 'THE DOGLADY'S DEN' by clicking HERE.
@ 'ANGELS BARK' by clicking HERE.
@ 'J.A. SCOTT' by clicking HERE.
@ 'NOVELBREWS' by clicking HERE
@ 'QUIET LAUGHTER' by clicking HERE

Today's battle is based on a song by The Band called "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down." It fits well with some current events. 

Here is their version..

I was impressed with the number of covers I found for this song. Selecting two was the hard part.

 I will start off with:

Contestant One: The Charlie Daniels Band

Contestant Two: Johnny Cash

I was originally planning on using the Zac Brown Band's version but I think this is a pretty fair battle. Two legends same era. Remember the only battle here is between Charlie Daniels and Johnny Cash vote and comment accordingly. 

It has been a fun year and I look forward to continuing into the future with the Battle of the Bands.


  1. Great battle! I'm a Johnny Cash fan but my vote is going to Charlie Daniels for this one. I liked his version way better.
    Hey, congrats on your one year BOTB anniversary! That's some longevity...
    Michele at Angels Bark

  2. Congratulations on your one year anniversary at BOTB! ☺
    It's become my favourite blogfest also, for the same reasons you mentioned.
    The original and Joan Baez' versions are the ones I know and like the best. These are two covers I hadn't heard before and it was a tough choice. Put me down for Johnny Cash - his baritone voice appeals more.

  3. As much as I like Johnny Cash, it wasn't really the voice I'm used to. A bit too.. upbeat for my taste, ha. So my vote is for Charlie Daniels. Good song!

    Congrats on your one year BOTB anniversary! I think it's a pretty fun blogfest, too and hope I get to the one year mark with it :)

    1. Madilyn thanks and Charlie Daniels takes the lead

  4. Though neither of them do Joan Baez justice, my vote is for Charlie Daniels :-)

    1. 3 to 1 Charlie. I thought about her version.

  5. Diedre Knight mirrored my first thought, "Where's Joan Baez? She could have battled The Band!"

    Charlie Daniels and Johnny Cash are country icons; both do a fine job. On the verses, it was a tie...but then I heard both of their choruses and JOHNNY CASH ran away with it.

    Sorry, Charlie...

    Great battle!

    1. Thinking Joan could have challenged The Band...3 to 2

  6. Has to be Cash. I love him. I really prefer Joan Baez's version of this song.


  7. Both were great versions, but I'm going to have to give my vote to he man in black, Mr Johnny Cash. There was a purity in his voice.

  8. Hokey-Smoke, MIKE! It's hard to believe you've been with us for a whole year now but... you HAVE!

    One of the great things I love about BOTB is that often the votes don't fall the way a person suspects they will when they put the BOTB installment together. Also, often a voter finds he or she is voting the opposite of how they anticipated they would, based solely on the participants. And THIS BOTB installment of yours is a PERFECT example of that for me...

    I love THE BAND, but this isn't one of their songs I particularly embraced.

    Waylon Jennings was probably Johnny Cash's best friend. I LOVE Waylon Jennings (saw him perform live 4 times) but I have NEVER, EVER been a Johnny Cash fan. I've always felt he was about 95% overrated!

    I DO, however, like Charlie Daniels and own one of his albums on CD.

    When I read the name of the contestants, I was CERTAIN I'd be voting for Charlie Daniels, and after hearing his version, I was double-certain.

    But I gotta admit (as much as I don't generally like his stuffs) JOHNNY CASH does this song very, very well. He gets my vote (to my great surprise!)

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  9. Mike, congrats on your #BOTB 1-year anniversary! :D Here's another song I am not familiar with, but I really, really like it. Charlie Daniel and Johnny Cash do an excellent job. All the nonsense over the confederate flag has gotten ridiculous and I'll leave it at that. I'm quite shocked to say, I'm voting for Johnny Cash in this round. His vocals did the lyrics justice. That weathered sound made me feel like I'm in old Dixie...wait I am in old Dixie. Great batlle! I'm gonna save this song & use it in a future blog post. :D

    Mr. Bojangles #BOTB showdown

  10. Congratulations on your anniversary, Mike! I too love the version by Joan Baez, but you've offered a tough choice here! I really like Charlie Daniels - saw them perform live, but I think I enjoy Johnny more, which is strange because I'm not usually a Cash fan. Go figure. Maybe it's his solitary delivery of the verses. He's probably backed by his wife's vocal group (Carter Family). Great battle!

    My votes for Johnny Cash!

  11. I like the Charlie Daniels band more for some reason. I think the Cash version was just to slow. I felt like taking a nap after it.

  12. I was certain my vote would be for Cash. But after listening to the Charlie Daniels version--wow. They get my (very surprised) vote :)

    Congratulations on your first #BOTB anniversary! That's quite a stint :) And thanks for the visit over at Quiet Laughter , too.

  13. You must have started just before I did; my anniversary is coming up September 1.

    This soing is a story, and I have to consider who's a better storyteller, and that's Johnny Cash. Guess that makes it 6-3, just like the All-Star Game...

  14. Holy Carp Mike, you've been with BOTB for a year now. I almost can't believe it. Time sure does fly...

    I don't have time to read all the comments but I can see the last few. Let me help Charlie out by giving him my vote. Not to crazy about Johnny's version here and besides Charlie's sounds more like that of The Band's which I would vote for in a second if I could.

    Happy Anniversary!

  15. If you would have pitted Zack Brown against Charlie Daniels I would have had a really tough choice. But while I adore Johnny Cash, Charlie just does this one better, hands down.

  16. I love this song and I love both artists featured but I give it to Johnny Cash. His voice and the more sedate style just won me over. He always seems to capture the heart of the song

  17. Sorry, but I'm running behind with my visits. Internet time has been a bit harder to come by during my travels.

    This is a pretty evenly matched contest. Johnny's vocal style fits the song well, but I think my preference goes to Charlie Daniels. He's such a great entertainer and his version is a tad more listenable.

    Tossing It Out
