Thursday, June 11, 2015

R.I.P Christopher Lee

Actor Christopher Lee has passed away at the age of 93.

Lots of us remember him from his modern roles in The Lord of The Rings movies but Mr. Lee appeared in over 2090 movies. Below is a clip from Dracula from 1958...

Here is a clip from The Fellowship of the Ring..

What was your favorite movie Christopher Lee was in? Favorite scene or memory? Feel free to share in the comments.

Christopher Lee was also into music. Here is a video of one of his songs...

Perhaps you would just enjoy him reading Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven..

Sir Christopher Lee will be missed but his legacy will live on his films.


  1. I saw this on Facebook this morning.

  2. Hi, Mike! I was sad to see the news that Christopher Lee had passed away, even at a ripe old age. I suppose I was hoping all along that he was immortal. From the age of 3, I saw hundreds of horror movies with my big brother. Among my all time favorites were the Hammer Films in which Lee so convincingly portrayed Count Dracula. I thoroughly enjoyed his reading of "The Raven." R.I.P. Christopher Lee - a fine actor and one of the great influences of my youth.
