Monday, June 15, 2015

Battle of the Bands Volume 21:Perfect Strangers and Highway Stars

13 years ago today my life changed  at a Dio, Scorpions and Deep Purple concert in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In commemorating that I thought it was fitting to pull out some Deep Purple covers.

This song is from that tour and kind of fits "Perfect Strangers" by Deep Purple..

Before that fateful night Deep Purple had been one of the groups I first liked way back in high school as my tastes were switching from a more pop oriented taste to a rockier guitar driven taste. Today's song isn't "Perfect Strangers." I decided to go with a song I still like to listen to when I roll down the windows and cruise down the highway.

Deep Purple's "Highway Star" from their 1972 album "Machine Head."

My battle of the bands contenders are below. However , I thought I would share some other Battle of the Bands with you as well.

If you are still looking for more musical fun after you vote, you can check out these sites for more battles:


Please check out my friends above, they post some pretty neat stuff! 

Regular rules. Listen to the two versions of the song below and vote in the comments for the version you like best. Of course the best rule is to enjoy. Rev your engines and welcome to the Battle! We have Type O Negative taking on an all star band featuring a Deep Purple alumni, a Red Hot Chile Pepper, and great guitarist. So the battle should be fun!

Challenger One: Type O Negative 

Challenger Two: Glenn Hughes, Steve Vai and Chad Smith

Thanks for visiting and I look forward to your vote!


  1. Hi, Mike! Now you're talkin' my lingo, good buddy! I dig both renditions of "Hwy Star" and this was a hard decision for me. The Challenger Two super group, featuring the brilliant guitar work of Steve Vai, delivers a version that is closer to the classic rock style of the original. I'm voting for Type O Negative because it has more of a raw, unrefined punk metal sensibility. I love the hook at the beginning as they tried to start the car.

    Thanks, Mike, and have a great day!

    1. Shady I agree it was a clever hook. Glad you liked thw battle and I have you down for a vote for Type O Negative.

  2. Mike, I remember the group (Deep Purple) by name only, so naturally this song isn't one I'm familiar with. I couldn't listen to Type O Negative for more than a few seconds because their sound was evil. They might be good people for all I know, but those kinds of vocals usually shut me down. Naturally Glenn Huges, Steve Vai, & Chad Smith get my vote. They had that hard rocker style without sounding like demons. Heavy metal isn't my cup of tea, as you know, but I can take it in small measures according to the band. Have a bandtastic day!

    Donna, are my ears deceiving me? Rusted Root and Black Eagle sound identical. *scratch head* This is a kinda catchy, fun tune and I definitely get happy vibes from the song. My listen to the song I felt a bit annoyed with it, but then it grew on me. Strange! The vocals in both the original and second vid kinda didn't set with me 100%, so for this reason along I'm giving my vote Annie in the Water. They show promising potential. Great battle. Try to stay cool. I hear it's summer again...almost. lol The heat is horrible for mid-June. I told DH yesterday it felt more like July. :( I'm ready for fall's return.

    1. Cathy I can completely understand how if you don' t like the vocals how one would turn off the song. Glad the second one was more to your liking. I have your vote for Hughes, Vai and company

  3. This is a driving song, but a little harsh for my early morning. An appropriate match up though.

    When the Type O growly gravely vocal kicked in it was an immediate turn off for me. However they did some interesting instrumental stuff as it went on. Got into an almost ELP vibe at one point. If they booted the annoying vocalist and kept the other vocalist they might be better.

    The other version with Vai was smoother and easier on my ears. Also I found it to be musically superior with more pleasant vocals and cleaner instrumental lines.

    I definitely vote for the second version with Steve Vai and the other guys.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Arlee I have your vote for the second one.

  4. There's a reason why they call 'em "super groups!'

    My vote goes to Glenn Huges, Steve Vai, & Chad Smith!

    1. Cherdo I have your vote for the supergroup

  5. Dio, Scorpions and Deep Purple - must have been a great concert! \m/
    As for the contest, I like metal, but am not such a fan of the "death metal" growling vocals. That said, the rest of Type O Negative's performance was outstanding! Steve Vai (whom I love dearly) and company's version was good too and closer to the original, but Type O Negative gets my vote.

  6. Fan of Deep Purple here! have never really liked 'growly' death metal, so my vote goes to the SuperGroup! Great cover!

  7. I've never been a fan of Type O Negative and my stance continues. My vote is for Steve Vai and gang!

  8. I love me some Deep Purple!!! I used to go see a local band play that did great covers of Deep Purple songs and just the mention of Highway Star took me back to those carefree days today. Thanks for that!
    I have to give my vote to Glenn Hughes, Steve Vai and Chad Smith. It sounds closer to DP's. I didn't like the death metal sound of the first group. The vocals killed it for me. I did like the car starting at the beginning though. Brought back memories of my '71 Monte Carlo when it had carburetor problems!
    Michele at Angels Bark

  9. I'm really not a big fan of death metal. It's not the music I hate, per say, I don't like a lot of the shouting. But I feel every music genre has it's place. Even though I didn't feel so shouted at on the second performance, I felt I rather enjoyed the first version, when I wasn't be shouted at. Take the vocals out, and it's perfect.
    Place my vote for Type O Negative.

  10. Ah, good song, by all three bands. That was an awesome first date for you and your wife. I would have liked it :)

    Both challengers have the heavy metal/electronica vibe; I think #2 sounds a bit more industrial than electronic. I liked the change up, so I'm voting for them. Great battle.

  11. Back in high school, I dug DEEP PURPLE a lot and collected a large number of their albums. 'MACHINE HEAD' was definitely their best album. My favorite track was/is... 'LAZY'. ...You thought I would say 'SMOKE ON THE WATER', right? No. That would be #2.

    'HIGHWAY STAR' is a good driving song - I get that.

    I made it through exactly ONE MINUTE & ONE SECOND of 'Type O Negative' before I hit the "stop" button. "NEGATIVE" is RIGHT! (They're playing that in Hell right this second. It's the most popular song at 'The Inferno Lounge' where the band 'Satan's Boot-Lickers' perform nightly!)

    Glenn Huges, Steve Vai, & Chad Smith get my vote by a 101% percent margin.

    So, I gotta ask... What happened at that concert that changed your life?

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  12. Hughes, Vai and Smith with an early 7 to 3 lead.

    Stephen it was the first date of my wife and me. Actually the first time we met in person.

  13. Ahh, a memorable day for sure then, MIKE!

    ~ D-FensDogG

  14. I did not like Type O Negative's version at all. Hughes, Vai and Smith did a credible version of the song, and they get my vote. But no one does it like Deep Purple.

  15. Mike - this is tough. I like both versions. My only draw back in the vocal on Type O Negative.

    (Since you met your wife at the concert, Robin might say this could be a 'soundtrack of your life,' if you're keeping up with her soundtrack posts.)

    My vote goes to Glenn Hughes, Steve Vai and Chad Smith. Great battle :)

  16. I read the comments as I listened to these versions. You can take everything that Stephen T. McCarthy said about this match-up and count me double, as in I echo the sentiments times two.

    Also, Dixie is 100% right that this could be a Soundtrack of My Life post. Throw the how I met my wife story in there and you're rocking and rolling.

    So, like, both of the aforementioned commenters I give a hearty vote to Hughes, Vai, and Smith.

  17. I am O negative, but the band doesn't do anything for me. I vote for Hughes,Vai, and Smith.


  18. I admit it, I didn't make it through the entire 5+ minutes of type O negative. any song that includes something that sounds like a guy 'ralphing' in the vocals just kinda turns me off for some reason.

    I liked some Deep Purple, but this never was one of my favorites. I'll give my vote to Hughes, Vai, and Smith.
