Sunday, May 24, 2015

Memorial Day Poem: Remember them on Memorial Day

They had a poetry contest at work for Memorial Day, I didn't win but that is okay since I can share it here.

Remember them on Memorial Day

They answered Uncle Sam’s call
Remember them on Memorial Day
For you and I they gave their all
So we can enjoy the American Way

Enjoy the cookouts with your family
Remember them on Memorial Day
Enjoy the swimming pool and the apple pie
Raise a toast for the ones not here today

Enjoy the company of loved ones
Remember them on Memorial Day
That is what they missed all alone
Place a flower where they lay

 I hope everyone enjoys their Memorial Day weekend. I hope at some point you will remember those who gave all.

Thanks for visiting and I will be back soon!


  1. A beautiful sentiment and an important thing for us to remember.

  2. I like your poem Mike! And I pinned your graphic. Fun and family is fine, but you are right, we all need to pause and in someway show our respect and gratefulness for their sacrifice.
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead.

  3. Your poem is bittersweet. Enjoy time with the family, Mike.

  4. Barbara thanks I am glad you like. Dixie I always do but I am actually working during the holiday. One I like the Holiday pay and if I work perhaps a veteran will have the day off. John thanks!
