Thursday, May 21, 2015

Battle of the Bands Winner: Jimmy Page

My Battle of the Bands this time around was dedicated to B.B. King who passed away.  I posted a true tribute to B.B. King the same day which has a few more songs if you missed it feel free to check it out.

Before I get into the competition I did want to post one more song which is quite fitting..:Stay Around A Little Longer."

Two greats right there Buddy Guy and B.B. King. Speaking of two greats I had two greats in my battle of the bands performing the song "Hummingbird." Jimmy Page versus Leon Russell.  Leon Russell actually wrote the song, I choose Jimmy Page because his version of the song off of his "Outrider" album was my introduction to the song. Those who missed the competition here is B.B.King performing the song on the David Letterman show.

The voting was close. I think this may have been my must successful Battle of the Bands page view wise and fifteen votes, I am not voting I am just enjoying the music. It is a beautiful song. The versions were different with Leon adding in the choir near the end. However, in the end one more person liked Jimmy Page's version. The vocalist on that song is Chris Farlowe. Farlowe was on three of the nine tracks on the Outrider album. John Miles (who was the vocalist on the tour) was on two tracks which were rock tracks while Farlowe did the more blues songs. Robert Plant guested for one track and the other three tracks on the album were instrumentals. 

Here is Chris Farlowe and Jimmy Page on another song from the album. It is an original tune called "Blues Anthem"

The final vote was Jimmy Page 8 Leon Russell 7 and unfortunately one less blues legend.  I will back June 1, 2015 with another Battle of he Bands.


  1. Aw, geez, Mike, 'Stay around little longer' had me tearing up. Serious blues. Don't know why, but 'Blues Anthem' singer, Chris Farlowe reminded me of Roy Clark. (at times - but not in the chorus.) Thanks for this!

    I know you have an attachment to Page, but I'm happy Leon won! One of the few I can I voted or the winner, (smile). Great battle - so close.

  2. Dixie sorry Jimmy Page won. I would have been happy either way.

  3. Ha ha ha! Okay, I'm tired.
    Also, you left me a comment on my battle... what is pocs?

  4. No worries! It was supposed to be pics, I posted it with my phone.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. This Buddy and BB 'Stay Around a Little Longer' is the perfect, Perfect, PERFECT tribute to the great BB King. What a great, and now bittersweet piece. Thanks!

    Great BATTLE. I'm a little sad that Ole Leon didn't make the grade here, but one stinkin' vote, that ain't nothing to be ashamed of.

    Thanks for clearing that up about the vocals on the Jimmy Page version. I played it for someone the other day and they asked who was doing the vocals. I, of course, said I figured it was Jimmy, and they told me they were pretty sure NOT. OK, what do I know? I'll have to be sure and go back to give them the final answer.

    As much as I like Leon, I musst say the BB King version was my favorite. I would have placed my vote at his feet, given the choice and not as a tribute or anything like that. It was superb!

    Thanks for putting forth such a great BATTLE and fine tribute.

  7. Shady I didn't mean to delete your comment. I wish I would have been able to see BB in the 60s or 70s. But I did get to see him quite a few times in the 90s and early 2000.

  8. Farawayeyes I thought the same thing about the piece. I have a good friend who raves about Leon and from the votes and comments I might have to dig deeper into his stuff. Glad I could help with the vocals debate.

  9. << Shady I didn't mean to delete your comment. >>

    No problem, Mike. Thanks for the follow-up. :)

  10. It was a close contest and either way the winner was worthy of the victory because they were both good. The same day of your Battle I was pleased to hear BB's version of "Hummingbird" on the radio. That made me smile thinking of your Battle that I'd voted on earlier that same day.

    This was an excellent Battle that was highly appropriate to commemorate King's passing.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  11. I figured Jimmy Page would win it because of the loud guitar bit, but I really liked Leon's recording.

    Oh well, close Battle regardless, and that's what we're all lookin' for in BOTB.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  12. Hi Mike; Your site is a musical treasure! Loving all the extra songs posted. Another close battle! This BOTB gig is such fun and I'm looking forward to the next one. May B.B. King R.I.P. ♥

  13. I have to say I was really sad when I heard BB King died. Still am. :-(

  14. That was a close battle Mike! Good one. And thanks for posting that awesome posting of BB and Buddy Guy. Wow, what a treat for this rainy Saturday afternoon! See you on the battleground...
    Michele at Angels Bark

  15. Arlee I am glad you found a radio station that plays this song!

    Stephen very close. So everyone remember your vote counts..when it comes to Battle of the Bands

    Debbie thanks! The BOTBs is a lot of fun I am glad you have joined us!

    Misha I am still sad myself!

    Michelle I will be there June 1!
