Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A to Z: Xanadu and the Landless Theatre

About two and a half years ago I reviewed a performance of Xanadu which was produced by the Landless Theatre Company. It was a fun, entertaining and crazy show. You can read my review here. I also blogged about Xanadu on this blog here as I would blog about shows I reviewed and add a little bit more in my blog.

I am revisiting Xanadu because today is the letter X on the A to Z: Challenge! Only two more posts to go on the challenge so the end is near. Xanadu was what kept popping up in my mind for X. After re-reading my original blog post I realized I really didn't give the Landless Theatre Company a proper shout out! Even though their production of Xanadu is yesteryear's news the theatre company is producing new shows which are worth mentioning.

How about a clip from Xanadu..here is Olivia Newton-John and the Electric Light Orchestra (ELO) performing the title track..

Theatre and music fans might enjoy this song from the 2008 Tony Awards featuring Cheyenne Jackson and Kerry Butler performing "Don't Walk Away" from the musical...

The Landless Theatre Company has continued to produce crazy, entertaining and fun theatre. This summer they are bringing their Prog Metal version of Sweeney Todd to the Atlas Theatre in Washington, D.C. Last year the shows debut was nominated for three Helen Hayes Awards which are like Washington's version of the Tony Awards. You can learn more about this theatre group here. Interestered in reading a review about the prog metal Sweeney Todd? Here is one from Metaldisciple.com. Think about a musical being reviewed by a Heavy Metal site that is the craziness of Landless. I wish I could catch this show.

Stayed tuned as the A to Z: Challenge nears the end!


  1. Amazing how many X words there are in the English language.

    Stephen Tremp
    A-Z Co-host
    X is for Xenoglossy

  2. I wish we had a fun theater company like that near me. It would be so fun to attend.

    1. I agree moving from an area with a thriving theatre scene to a place where it has to be searched out is a big difference.

  3. I think you're the 5th Xanadu post I've seen so far. But great shout-out to the theater company. (Each Xanadu post has been completely different.)

  4. I remember going to see Xanadu in the theater. It didn't make much sense to me, but the music was awesome!
    ~ The end is in sight!!! ~
    Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
    with the A to Z Challenge

  5. Prog metal Sweeney Todd? Awesome. ;-)
