Monday, April 27, 2015

A to Z Challenge: Welcome

Welcome to the last week of the A to Z: Challenge

To all the participants in the A to Z: Challenge who might be stopping bye to visit. Welcome to the last week of the A to Z: Challenge. Congratulations! The end is near! If you are thinking of giving up don't just a few more posts to go!

Welcome to my blog

If you are new to my blog welcome and thanks for dropping in!I hope you enjoy your visit and come back soon! If your one of my regular readers welcome back! You are always welcome at my blog! Thanks for the feedback, You all make the blog better. The comments add to the content. You let me know when links aren't there or don't work! You let me know when you have trouble reading my blog. Which gives me a chance to make the blog better. So, I thank you!

Welcome to the workweek!

To those of you who have a day job (who are we fooling, day, night, and all hours in between job,) Welcome back to another workweek. Trust me I don't want the workweek to start today! I was having too much fun yesterday which was my only day off of the weekend. I was at Jazzfest in New Orleans and my friend wanted me to go to an after party. Which I knew would be blast! However, reality is I had a long car drive back home and work today.

A lot of welcomes today! I hope you enjoyed your visit and I look forward to your return! I'll leave the blog open!


  1. Thanks for the welcome.

    I had to smile at the welcome to the workweek. I do not feel very motivated to work right now. But I am thankful to have a job, so it's time to buckle down and work!

    Best wishes to you on your A-Z journey.

  2. Hi, Mike! First of all, I want to thank you for the kind words you wrote about me over at FAE's place, and secondly, for leaving a supportive comment on my blog for Dell Rat Margaret as she observes her 103rd birthday. I greatly appreciate both gestures.

    It must have been so cool to attend a New Orleans jazz fest. You did the right thing by ditching the after party and heading back up the road on a "school night." As I'm sure you know, too many tragedies occur when people party too long and hard and then get behind the wheel. I am reminded of one such tragedy that struck down a member of Savatage, one of my favorite heavy metal bands. At 3:30 one the morning, the lead guitarist was on his way to Livestock, an annual rock festival held in our region (Central West Coast Florida). A drunk driver plowed into his vehicle, killing him instantly.

    Thanks again, Mike. Let's stay in touch because I am, as you described me, a "music fan friend."

  3. Three cheers for the last week of A to Z. Its been fun, but I'm ready for the finish line.

    Stephen Tremp
    A to Z Co-host
    W is for Window and White Noise

  4. Welcome back, yourself. New Orlean's Jazz fest? I know you brought souvenirs... waiting.

  5. Ah yes. Monday. Gotta love Monday.

  6. I had a rude awakening to this work week, but once I actually got to work it was okay. Now to go to bed so I can face another day.
    ~ The end is in sight!!! ~
    Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
    with the A to Z Challenge
    P.S. - I've been enjoying my visits here!

  7. New Orleans is a blast. I love the French Quarter. I've been to NOLA at least four times.

    Precious Monsters
