Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A to Z Challenge: Looming a dark haiku

Photo by Michael M Koehler Photography

Poetry is where writing really began for me. As we continue on the A to Z: Challenge I thought I would write a new haiku style poem called "Looming."Nice change of pace to add in some creative writing as the challenge moves forward. I hope you enjoy my dark haiku..

Looming in the dark
In the distance far away
Growing as it comes

Where did your writing start? Do you ever return to that writing place? Thoughts on the small poem?
Feel free to share in the comments. Tune in tomorrow as I will have a combined Battle of the Bands post and A to Z Challenge post.


  1. neat picture and nice little poem. I started writing more with non-fiction and some stories. I found I moved toward poetry and actually had more success with it in on-line journals. No money, but just joy of words.

  2. I think my writing started with essays. I always preferred essay tests in college. Very haunting picture and your words fit perfectly.

  3. I adore your dark haiku! you've so many talents. My writing started with term papers - loved them!

    Photo is nicely matched.

  4. I think the seed for my writing was planted by my Daddy's story-telling. Then in about 5th grade I started getting writing assignments from my English teachers. Some assignments I didn't really care for, but I still did my best. But others, other's once I started them the words just flowed and I found I really liked it.

    I like your dark Haiku. I think it is a pea-row coming through the mist.

    Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
    with the A to Z Challenge

  5. Good one. Looming darkness can be ever so foreboding. :)
