Monday, April 13, 2015

A to Z Challenge: King of the Blues BB King

I used J for Joni Mitchell because she had health problems that put her in the hospital since the challenge started. The great B.B. King has also been hospitalized since the challenge started so  Iwill play tribute to him with this post.

I've blogged about him a few times in the past. Most notably a year ago and you can read that post here. I have been fortunate to see him several times. Besides being a great guitarist and legendary blues man he has other traits as well. He is an incredible storyteller and his facial expressions really pull you into the story. He also is humble and willing to share the stage with some many. Probably things which help make him a legend.

B.B. with a song about his guitar..

I think Lucille has a few more notes left in her, or at least I hope. Below "Sweet Little Angel"

Blues lovers may like this jam with Buddy Guy, Eric Clapton, and Jimmie Vaughan..

The song was "Rock Me Baby." Are you a fan of B.B. King? What is your favorite song? Any favorite memories of jams? Feel free to share. I wish him fast healing and better health. I hope you enjoy and see you soon!


  1. Didn't know B.B. was in the hospital. Wishing him well. I'm glad to have known of his music at an early age. :)

  2. Oh, B.B. King is more than a legend!!! I adore the things he can make Lucille do. Hard to pick "a" song. Maybe, "The Thrill is Gone."

  3. Great A-to-Z topics! You've picked some excellent artists - thanks very much for sharing!

  4. Wishing BB King healthy thoughts as he's in the hospital.

    Stephen Tremp
    A to Z Cohost
    Twitter: @StephenTremp

  5. Yikes, another hospitalization? Seems like I'm seeing more of these and death notices lately. Is it a spring thing?

    Liz A. from Laws of Gravity

  6. I like "Paying The Cost To Be The Boss." Hope he's well soon. Thanks,
