Monday, February 23, 2015

Birthday Thoughts

I received over 75 birthday wishes from people on facebook. I am humbled that many folks would take time from their busy day to give me wishes. Friends from all faces of my life, including the good times and the bad times.

Ski friends, fraternity friends, family, other college buddies, writers ,editors, musicians, actors and actresses. People from old jobs and current jobs. People it is nice to hear from.

I celebrated my birthday over the weekend. A day at the beach on Saturday. Still a tad cold for swimming but still a fun time with family. Sunday my wife took me to a fancy Brazilian restaurant. A true carnivore's feast. She made it special, dressing up and all.

Sunday I did cook a special lunch just for me..

Black drum that I cooked. A tad over spiced and a tad over cooked. Still wasn't bad. If I didn't second guess myself it would have been better and if I wasn't so heavy fisted on the spices. Maybe some good advice for life in those lines.

Well my actual birthday turned out to be the greatest gift and biggest disaster rolled into one. My daughter ended up having the flu. So, I stayed home with her I was supposed to go to work. On the plus side I did have the flue shot. So, I got to spend the day snuggling with my daughter. I will take that any day! Of course I wish she felt better.

In my life the older you get the less material gifts you get. However the gentle reminders of the gifts of friends and family you have are so much greater. The gifts that really matter,

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