Sunday, February 15, 2015

Battle of the Bands Volume 15: Love Hurts

Welcome to my Battle of the Bands for February 15, 2015. Since it is the day after Valentine's Day I thought I would take a look at the other side of love. Everyone who has ever been in love knows "Love Hurts." Nazareth's version is probably the best known version. It is not the original. However due to the popularity of this song I won't include it in the battle.

I get to the music let me explain what is going on and who else has battles!

Regular rules, listen to the song clips in the blog post. In the comment section vote for the one you like the best. Feel free to explain why you voted the way you did. The battles take place on the first and 15th and winners will be announced on the 7th and 21st. I will normally post the winner in the comments. Of course have fun and enjoy!

The below list is edited to welcome some new battles and unfortunately some battles have taken a break. If you are still looking for more musical fun after you vote, you can check out these sites for more battles:

DC Relief

The Sound of One Hand Typing

If I miss anyone let me know and I will add you into the list! 

Vote for one of these;

Contestant #1: Joan Jett

Contestant #2: The Everly Brothers (the Original Version)

I was going to add more covers but I will stay with two. Enjoy and vote in the comments!


  1. Aw - this is tough. I really like Joann Jett. Problem is, the Everly Brothers sound so darn melancholy - like "Love Hurts," melancholy. Thanks, Mike.

    My vote to the Everly Bros.

  2. Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit. This post is just full of surprises, at least to me.

    First surprise - the most familiar 'hard rocker ballad' was done by a band call Nazareth. I always thought it was Nirvana.

    Second surprise - Joan Jett. Her version was nice and soft and she almost sounded sweet.

    Third and final surprise - this song was originally done by The Everly Brothers. I had no idea.

    I have to go with door number three or rather surprise number three. I really like the Don and Phil version best.

  3. Thank you for limiting this to two versions as this is not my favorite songs and two versions was plenty.

    I don't care much for the rock out versions like Nazareth and Jett.

    I do like the Everly Bros. gentle sweet version with good harmonies. Don't know what other versions you had in mind but I don't whether of them would have outdone Don and Phil.
    I vote for the Everly Brothers.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  4. Yeah -- I think of the Nazareth version as the "official" version. It's definitely the one I'm most familiar with.

    I was surprised that Joan Jett's version was as softly sung as it was. Musically, it definitely came from the Nazareth version, but Joan's cover here was quite a bit less snarly and edgy like her cover of "I Love Rock 'n' Roll."

    But overall I think the Everly Borthers version was better. I give my vote to them.

  5. I've been in love with Joan Jett since the Runaways, and she did a beautiful job with this one. Don and Phil's version, though, was perfect for this song, and I never realized that they did the original. Put me down for Les Freres Everly.

    My battle, in case you have trouble finding it, is here:

  6. MIKE ~
    This was a good Battle, man!

    First of all, I learned something new: I too thought the Nazareth hit was the original.

    Secondly, although I've never been a Joan Jett fan, and although her recording doesn't deviate a lot from the Nazareth hit, I thought she did this song well.

    I liked the Everly Brothers original too, but they did a couple of vocal "tricks" in there that didn't really appeal to me.

    This was a fairly tough decision for me to make but...'ll be happy to know I'm going to save you from a shutout. I'm casting my vote for JOAN.

    You're welcome. Please send me money if you feel grateful that I managed to save you from the one thing every BOTBer wants to avoid: the dreaded shutout.

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

  7. I like both the original and the Joan Jett cover. I guess the bigger truth is that I like Joan and the Everly Bros period. I was very pleasantly surprised by Joan's interpretation of this song. It's a lovely ballad. In contrast, this is not my favorite Everly Brothers song. So, I'm helping StMc with the margins on this one and casting another vote for Joan.

  8. Oh gosh. I like both Joan and the Everly Brothers, but surprisingly was underwhelmed by both of them. I grew up with the Nazareth version, and Joan's is closest to that - although she didn't nearly utilize her rocker chick power vocals like I expected on her cover. Still, I guess I was a little less underwhelmed by Joan Jett, so my vote goes to her :)

    Sorry for the late visit; the week has gotten away from me!

  9. O my grief - difficult. The Nazareth one was great and that would have won hands down - such passion. Ok between these two - shoot this is difficult .. Joan.

  10. As much as I love the Everly Brothers, their version is just too dreamy sounding. I'm going with Joan Jett!

  11. As much as I love the Everly Brothers, their version is just too dreamy sounding. I'm going with Joan Jett!

  12. This is going to be a close one!

  13. Looks like I started something here. I changed the course of the river.

    I guess you're not going to send me money now because I'm not the sole saving grace that spared you from a shutout, huh?

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'
