Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Support the Arts for Great Performances Now and in the Future

My son had his Holiday Concert last night with his his high school orchestra. The concert was held at a local church known for having some of the biggest Christian concerts and entertainment performed at their venue. In other words a venue with great sound!

The show highlighted the choirs and orchestra of the high school. The seats were filled. The Super Attendant of Schools showed up for the concert. It is no secret school systems across the country are cutting costs in this economy. Arts and music is one area that is often hit hard by these cuts.

If the large crowd from the local community and the many standing ovations meant anything at all, they  meant that these school programs are important to the community! They are also important to the students as the learn to develop their talents, they learn the discipline required to learn a musical instrument, they learn dedication, and they also develop self esteem. Studies have also shown music helps students to become smarter.

I was awed by how well these students sounded! I was proud by the show of community support. Of course I am concerned if arts and music will continue to be available in schools.

I urge you to attend your local schools concerts, dramas, and other events! Show the schools what is important. Help them financially. They could be your kids, your neighbors and friends. Encourage the next generation!

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