Monday, December 15, 2014

Battle of the Bands Number 11: Happy Xmas The War is Over !

Welcome to my Battle of the Bands number 11! This month I will be trying to keep it with a Holiday theme for the entire month.

Listen to the song clips in the blog post. In the comment section vote for the one you like the best. Feel free to explain why you voted the way you did. The battles take place on the first and 15th and winners will be announced on the 7th and 21st. I will normally post the winner in the comments. Of course have fun and enjoy!

If you are still looking for more musical fun after you vote, you can check out these sites for more battles:

The Creative Outlet of StratPlayer

Alex J. Cavanaugh

Original Song: John Lennon's Happy Xmas (The War is Over)

Christmas is just around the corner so this song is quite timely. Last time I used a legend in Chuck Berry and this time I picked another legend John Lennon.

Challenger One: The Corrs

Challenger Two: Sheryl Crow

I have seen both of The Corrs and Sheryl Crow open up for the Rolling Stones. Just a connection between the artists.

Vote in the comments! Happy Holidays! Next Battle of the Bands next year!


  1. One of Lennon's finest. In fact, so ingrained in out brain, there can be no other. The Cors and Crowe give it a nice try - but in the back of my mind - I hear... Oh, just another person, group, or entity doing Lennon's song.
    You could put up 100 different artists and my reaction would be the same vote:
    Lennon wins!
    Indeed, this one song catapulted Lennon into a world re-known peace activist. I often wonder what he was thinking? From my observations, whenever there is a supposed need to control money, people, or resources, there is war. Back-door negotiations, which world citizens are not privy to have knowledge of, to decide a country's fate. In the last two years I've seen and read of more "Hate America" rhetoric than I thought was possible. How sad but war will never be over. Man does not know the way to peace. Man does not even know howt o order hid own steps. If he/we did, war would never occur again.
    Sorry - couldn't help waxing a bit sentimental there.
    There's never a bad version of this song. Thank, Mike.

  2. Ah Mike, that was so cruel; posting that video with John Lennon's song. This song is so heartbreaking, especially sung by John, knowing his humanitarian views. I almost turned off the video; but forced myself to watch, and cry, and feel everything Mr Lennon was feeling when he wrote it. I cannot imagine liking this song done by any other artist; his emotion and passion outshine words.

    But, I'm sure this was a battle between The Corrs and Sheryl Crowe. Both did the song justice. I'll vote for Sheryl simply because I like her as an artist better.

    Merry Christmas Dude. Thanks for the reminder not everyone is having a Merry Christmas, even when between wars.

  3. The John Lennon version is so iconic it's hard to have any cover live up to it. Both the Corrs and Cheryl Crow do decent versions but neither really adds much to the song -- they're both sticking close to the original.

    It's a close battle but I give the edge to Cheryl Crow. The lyrics are a little easier to understand, and I'll give her and her band bonus points for playing guitar outside where it's obviously very cold. That's no fun!

  4. This is perhaps my least favorite Christmas song. I thought The Corrs and Sheryl Crow did a fabulous job with the song. I was unsure which artist would find the most favor with my ear, but as it turns out, The Corrs were too high pitched with their vocals for me to enjoy the song and wound up liking Sheryl Crow best, since her voice seemed warmer sounding. I hope you & yours have the merriest Christmas ever!

  5. I need to step back in for a moment. I thought this was a three-way battle. Granted, I stand by earlier remarks on Lennon's uniqueness,Between the two you've showcased, I like Sheryl Crowe's deep voice... something almost soothing.
    Thanks so much! Merry Christmas , Mike.

  6. I preferred The Corrs over Sheryl Crow (though not strongly). So, chalk the first vote for The Corrs.

  7. Wow! I really didn't like either version. I expected Cheryl Crow to be much better, but for some reason, she sounded awful - at least to my ears.

    No political or philosophical remarks about Lennon, but this is apparently HIS song.

    Now after saying that Cheryl sounded awful, I'm gonna give her my vote anyway, because as bad as I thought she sounded the Corrs were worse.

    Sorry for such a negative comment. It may stem from the fact that I never really liked this song anyway. I had no idea anyone else had ever covered it.

    Have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year, Mike. See you on the flip side in 2015.

  8. I don't know what else an artist could do to make this song much different. Both versions were pretty similar in delivery. Since I like the Corrs better and they have a violin in their version I will vote for them.

    Tossing It Out
