Thursday, July 10, 2014

Farewell to Yahoo Contributor Network! Spotlight on The Helpers

Continuing what I started yesterday. Here is what going on Yahoo! Contributor Network..AKA Yahoo! Voices which used to be Associated Content and a site I have published my writing at for seven years will be calling it quits at the end of the month. So you can stop in and read my articles while they last here. Getting my shameless self promotion out of the way!  I will reflect my thoughts on this writing place going under in a later post. After read reading my last post a bit of my thoughts will be revealed in each of these posts first.

Marie Ann St. Jean

Marie Ann St. Jean new how to succeed at YCN. I call over 5 million page views with only 390 articles a success. What made her special in my mind was she was always willing to help. If you had a question in the forum threads she had an answer. Her answers might have rubbed some folks the wrong way. However her answers were truthful. In a place like YCN, where change happened it was nice to have someone to help.

You can check out her articles and learn more about this writer here. She is an expert on crafts, pets, and gardening to name a few.

Lyn Lomasi

I am sure many folks who wrote at Associated Content/YCN  had their favorite staff person. Mine is Lyn Lomasi. How many staff people anywhere would answer a facebook message in just a couple of minutes to answer a question about an issue? In my world not many but then there is Lyn! She always gave answers in the forum. A great communicator. She followed in the footsteps of some helpful people. However, in my opinion she was always able to bring it up a level.

Lyn was also a successful writer on the site (over 4.4 million page views). Perhaps being a writer on the site before she was staff gave her some empathy towards the site writers. She doesn't earn page view money since she is staff but you may enjoy checking out her articles. She has a lot of passions, talents outside of Yahoo as well. She is a great person! Unlike me who is losing a place for my hobby writing or at best some spare change Lyn Lomasi is losing her job.I hope things work for the best for her and I am glad I got to meet her.

Stayed tune, I plan to spotlight a few more!


  1. I couldn't agree more, Mike! Wonderful tribute to two wonderful people! I love them both.

  2. Bingo- right on the money. I loved reading Marie's straight to the point responses:) And Lyn... well hell, what can;t be said for Lyn?

  3. Thanks so much for the wonderful words. And I agree that MA is awesome! :)
