Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Farewell to Yahoo Contributor Network: Spotlight on Don Rothra

Yahoo! Contributor Network..AKA Yahoo! Voices which used to be Associated Content and a site I have published my writing at for seven years will be calling it quits at the end of the month. So you can stop in and read my articles while they last here. Getting my shameless self promotion out of the way!  I will reflect my thoughts on this writing place going under in a later post.

Before the site goes down and before all the work is taken down I wanted to spotlight some other authors before it is too late. I should have done this earlier so it is already overdue. Though I have tried to spotlight others on this blog from time to time in a play it forward manner.

Today I am going to spotlight Don Rothra who wrote mainly poetry at Yahoo! Voices. He is especially skilled at creating limericks. You can check out his writing at YCN  here. I picked Don Rothra to spotlight because he kept the Poetry Lover's thread going on the site. The Poetry Lover's thread was favorite forum on the site. A place I went to share my poetry when I published a poem on the site. Don I think probably published more poems in a month than I published collectively in seven years on the site. The thread was a place I could go when I wasn't happy with things at the site and feel better. It was my sanctuary to get away from the bitching or stop me from complaining. So, I thank Don for keeping the thread going and also for sharing his poems!

Don Rothra is continuing to write poems at his blog at Don also plays guitar which makes him alright in my blog!

Stay tuned I am planning to spotlight a lot more writers this month as I say farewell to Yahoo Contributor Network


  1. What a groovy idea, Mike. As community members we came to know each other fairly well, but this is a great way to maybe spread the love beyond the Y!CN boards.

  2. So sweet and so well done! This is a wonderful thing to do for others!
