Monday, April 1, 2013

A to Z: Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland is a strange story and it is a bit strange that every time I have seen it the show has been different. Every movie version I have seen it different. Every theatrical performance has been different too!

In November of 2011 I reviewed The Greenbelt Arts Center's production of Alice in Wonderland. In 2012 they brought that show to the Capital Fringe Festival. You can read my review here. Lauren Katz reviewed the Fringe version here. The show was an avent-garde version of the book.

Friday night I reviewed Other Voices production of The New Adventures of Alice in Wonderland. My five year old daughter loved both performances by the way. This production was much bigger, with a bigger cast, including lots of dancers, teenagers, kids, and experienced actors. The show was longer too. You can read my review here. The theatre was different as well which you would expect between Greenbelt and Frederick. The Greenbelt show was in a smaller studio theatre while the Frederick show was in the larger, historic Weinberg Center for the Arts.

Like I said the movie versions have been different too. Here is the trailor for the orginal 1951 movie...

Here is the Trailor for Tim Burton's version..

Well it is April and once again I am participationg in the A to Z: Blog Challenge. I was going to do this post yesterday but I wasn't home enough to do it. Well thanks for stopping bye. This moonth should be a wild ride as we mix of the content a bit more for the challenge.


  1. Fun post! I always loved Alice in Wonderland as a kid. Looking forward to more of your A to Z posts. ☺

  2. Gotta love Alice. All the different interpretations over the years just prove what a great story it is.

  3. Mike, I love your post, but I am truly impressed by what a great dad you are!!!

  4. I think the best stories are the ones where everyone has a different vision and understanding of them. Good luck with the A-Z.

    Coffintree Hill

  5. I still need to read Alice in Wonderland and can't remember if I've ever seen the animated movie.

    Loved the Tim Burton version, though.

    My Writing Blog
    My Life Blog

  6. I love the Burton version of Alice - the way it ends is just superb IMHO. I fondly remember reading the book yonks ago, it was an old yellow book with both Alive in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass in it. I really must see if I can find it again. Thank you for reminding me of great things.

  7. I'll always love the Disney Alice the best!

  8. My favorite version has always been the original but I've never really thought about them all. Thanks for putting them together so I could compare them in my mind.

    Amanda from

  9. Alice is awesome. I always look forward to an adaptation. :)

  10. How kind to leave trailers of the movies - will check them out later. Enjoyed yr post thank you - and yes I agree with a previous comment that it is a sign of a great story that varying interpretations can be made of it. So long as they don't get too way off the original and lose the plot by comemercialing it too much/
