Sunday, March 31, 2013

At the shelter

This winter/spring I have volunteered at the cold weather shelter quite frequently. I am spending the holiday weekend helping out. I just started my second night in a row.

Today has been a bit rough. Left the shelter in the
.visit relatives in town go home get ready return to the shelter. A blur best describes the day.

But these folks need the shelter. 13 nights spent awake and away from home is really the least I can do.

The economy  is not good. I struggle yet these folks struggle too. Homelessness is real. I don't normally see them on the streets like in the big cities. However I know they exist I see them here.

I wonder where will they go.  There will be cold days..stormy days...and I wonder how they will find shelter. How will they eat?

I wonder about next year. Where will the shelter be? Who will survive?

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