Saturday, July 21, 2012

Capital Finge Fest and Paying it Forward

A few plays at the Capital Fringe Festival I had a chance to review during previous productions. I didn't want to review them a second time but I thought it might be fun to compare reviews. 

First up Alice in Wonderland presented by the Greenbelt Arts Center. Lauren Katz gave it 3.5 stars and you can read her review here. I reviewed it back in November when it was playing in Greenbelt. I gave it four stars and you can read my review here. Betsy Marks Delaney wrote a preview of the production and you can read that here. That is pretty neat only a half star difference. I apparently enjoyed it more, or I was nicer, or perhaps it was a bit better at the home venue.

Next is Dead Man's Mambo here is John Bellomo's preview of the show.Carolyn Keleman saw the Fringe show and gave it five stars you can read her review here. I reviewed the production at the Maryland Shakespeare Festival and I also raved about it! You can read my review here. It really is a good time and if you get the chance check it out!

Here is a little taste from the Maryland run of the show..

Well I will be back soon with a new post!

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