Sunday, July 22, 2012

An Off Day

How did I spend a day with no shows to review?  Well my wife took over the Netflix in the living room and my daughter took over my computer. So, I went over to the Opera House and watched a free screening of The Last Mountain. Really touched home since I went to school in southern West Virginia near the coal mines. I am against Mountain Top removal, but I also want the minors to be able to make a living. The mountains need to be preserved after all tourism is the number 2 industry in the state behind coal. No mountains, no tourist.

Here is the movie trailer:

Well after I watched the movie I went to see a great blues guitarist play in a club for free. The club is a book store with a bar in the middle. It was really cool. I was sitting in a nice comfy share and it was like he was playing in my living room. The artist was Billy Thompson. Not only is he a good guitar player he is a cool guy as well! Take a listen..

Well tonight I am covering John Tesh,,,

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