Friday, October 14, 2011

Pay it forward

Okay something new. I am doing the pay it forward Friday thing. Where I guess I am suppose to pick three blogs and play them forward from a list.

If you want to find out more you can check it out here. Which is kind of cool because I have been featuring a few other writers on my blog any way. Well at least linking articles. Well, these blogs are new to me and might be new to you as well so we will be discovering together.

Em Dashes and Ice Cream by Brenda McKenna . She lives across the country from me in Washington State. Her blog title caught my eye since it mentioned ice cream . I like ice cream, ice cream does not like my waist line but beer doesn't either. Anyway she has a three year old and they have adventures. I can relate since I have a four year old and I  have many adventures. It is neat we share some of the same experiences at similar places even though we are miles apart.

Sean McLachlan's Civil War Horror is an excellent civil war blog. Blogs, book reviews, lots of history. Since, I live in a hot spot in the Civil War it caught my attention. I live in Harpers Ferry anmd I used to live close to Antietam, and I know the best darn chocolate place in Gettysburg.

Write, Skate, Dream is a blog by Jess. She is only 15 but quite a talented young lady. She writes a lot. Plays the violin, She skates. I hope she dreams big cuase I think she is going to make a few of those dreams happen. 


  1. Hi Mike. I'm here as the co-host from the Pay It Forward blogfest (obviously). Thanks so much for signing up.

    And I wasn't following your blog until just now, so the fest is working!

  2. I'll have to check them out. Thanks for the links, and have fun on the blogfest!

  3. Hey Mike! I'm the other co-host. I know all of those bloggers. Thanks for participating in the blogfest! Featuring others is one of the best thing you can do.

  4. missed the pay it forward blog, so stopping by fashionably late! nice to meet you :)

  5. Hi Mike,
    I'm still paying it forward! Nice to meet you!

  6. Thanks for mentioning Civil War Horror! Keep on blogging!
