Saturday, October 15, 2011

Latest Theatre Review: Driving Miss Daisy

Okay I have been slacking about posting some of my theatre reviews on here. Let me go ahead and make up for it now.

Driving Miss Daisy plays through October 23 at the Arts Barn in Gaithersburg, Maryland. I gave it a five star review pretty much based on the acting alone. David Jones, Arthur F. Greene, and Jane Squier Bruns turn in some incredible performances. You can read my entire review here.

I have some other reviews up on the site but Driving Miss Daisy is the only one still playing. I am not scheduled to review anything for a little while. However, that could change and I do have a show lined up at the end of the month so stay tuned. In the spirit of playing it forward check out the rest of the site for reviews of theatre happening all around the Washington and Baltimore areas.

1 comment:

  1. hi there
    Im just hopping around all these blogs form the PIF Blog fest. You have a new follower. I will try and stop by as much as I can.
    Eve :)
