Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Perfect Play for thinking of 9.11

Sorry, I have been distracted from the blog for a while with other writing and live. Anyway my last post was about reflections of the morning after 9.11 called 9.12. I have blogged about 9.11 pretty much every September 11 since my blog was up. So, I wanted to look at it from a different angle.

I covered a play by Christoper Durang called "Why Torture is Wrong and The People Who Love Them" at the Maryland Ensemble Theatre in Frederick, Maryland. I linked my review. I recommend seeing the play in Frederick if you are close or if it is playing somewhere near you. It is a dark comedy. However, it does make you think. It makes you think of subjects that are politically incorrect. However, sometimes it is important to think about them to make them correct.

One of the blessings of theatre I suppose is the power to make us think about different things. 

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