Monday, September 12, 2011


The vivid images on television on September 11, 2001 did effect me. The facts that two planes crashed within a 100 mile radius of me is not a good thing. If I hadn't taken the day off from work that would have been one plane crashing within three miles of me.

I wasn't locked down in the Navy Yard like my Mother. I didn't run over to the Pentagon to help like my office mate did. No I watched the events unfold after my Dad called me. It was the first plane hitting. I had the unbelieving feeling like I did when the first Space Shuttle exploded.

However, it is September 12, 2011 which I will never forget. I parked my car in the pre-dawn hours outside in a parking lot in Crystal City. Fancy name for a part of Arlington next to Pentagon City and the Pentagon. It was the smell of the burning rubble from the plane. That stench in the air, is when it all hit home for me.

To the volunteers, to the Fireman, for the Police on 9/11 what you did was appreciated. What you do everyday is appreciated.

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