Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Return of the Writer

Well, I just wrapped up some writing examples and am actually working on another. I hadn't written a non-sports article since August. Really I hadn't written a lot since May. The first five months of the year I was writing quite a bit. A lot of that was the call-for-contents appeared to be down (or at least on things that caught my interest) and of course that little thing called life.

Anyway, with the election winding down I have published two new articles on the Presidential Race in West Virginia. The first one, "Latest Presidential Polls in West Virginia as of October 15" is a pretty straight forward look at the latest West Virginia Polls. The second one is "Presidential Candidates to Increase Media Spots to Capture West Virginia" which discusses mostly Obama's late advertising blitz in West Virginia and I suggested the candidates would have a better chance of winning the state if they visited it more. About as Gonzo as I get..which is sad, since I enjoy the work of the late Hunter S. Thompson.

Then I went out of my comfort zone and wrote on "Understanding the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program." Why was it out of my comfort zone? Well it was something I knew nothing about. I thought it was some new HR program, boy was I wrong. However, I did learn something new. The chances are slim that the vaccines would cause injury or death but once in a while they do and as a parent that is scary stuff.

Now it is back to writing another sports article...

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