Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Busy as a B

This month has been a little crazy for me. Kind of like the way the economy has been this month...

Anyway my parents were up for a week. I had a meeting Friday to go to and a dinner to attend Saturday. I also made time to do some volunteer hours in the wee hours of Saturday morning.
Then my spurt of writings have continued.

Since my last posting in this blog:
I did my weekly football rankings. The current week here and the previous week here.
I also did a preview of the Philadelphia Phillies and Tampa Bay Rays for the World Series.
I know I get sucked into writing about sports..

I also wrote a bunch more on the election.
Latest Presidential Polls in Virginia as of October 24, 2008. A look at how the Presidential election is shaping up in Virginia according to the latest polls.
Updated Presidential Polls in West Virgina as of October 24. A look at how the Presidential election is going in West Virginia. It was pretty neat since it showed a lot of change since my last article on West Virginia polls.
Last Minute Strategies and Influences in the 2008 Presidential Election in West Virginia is a look at what the Presidential candidates are doing to try to win West Virginia.

I expect to be pretty busy writing article right through the end of this week. I plan to do one more on the Polls in West Virginia, one on Colorado, on on Missouri, and another on the West Virginia Presidential election. Plus I might pick up a couple of more. That depends how busy life gets. I have another meeting to go to Thursday and I have plans on Friday with the family. Plus I have the day job thing to keep me busy.

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