Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 The years have passed by quickly, 23 years gone. Gone like the twin towers in New York City. Gone like the plane that hit the Pentagon. Gone like the plane that crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Gone like the lives inside the planes and so many lives lost in the towers during a workday.

Sons and daughters, husbands and wives, someone's child and all their dreams gone. Gone by something horrific and senseless. Gone should never be the memories of that blue sky day gone wrong.

So much gone but the memories remain. The pain should remind us this should never happen again.

9.11.2001 not forgotten

1 comment:

  1. What should we do to ensure this never happens again?

    What did we do wrong before, which we can correct now?

    ~ D-FensDogG

    POSTSCRIPT: How did 2 planes demolish the 3 towers? It wasn't "Twin Towers" that fell; it was three very tall buildings.
