Wednesday, February 15, 2023

R.I.P Raquel Welch


Raquel Welch the 60's sex symbol and actress has passed away at the age of 82. Her sex symbol status came about from the film Fantastic Voyage. Her career lasted decades and she won a Golden Globe Award for her role on The Three Musketeers.

She will be missed by her fans and friends.


  1. Ahhh,WOW! I hadn't heard that Raquel Welch passed away. She was a real knock out in her day. RIP, pretty lady!

  2. She had an amazing figure and I was shocked about her passing. I always remember what she said about Jimmy Stewart who told her, when she rebuffed a fan for wanting her autograph. He saw the exchange and politely told her that if it wasn't for the fans they would not have a job so to respect where they are coming from. She was great in the 3 and 4th Musketeers. I also liked her in Fuzz and other films
