Saturday, April 9, 2022

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge 2022: H is for Hank Aaron

 April air, the green of Spring luring me back to baseball as I continue through the A to Z Challenge. Today's letter is H and I return to baseball, and the Atlanta Braves with Hank Aaron. H is for Hank and for home runs which he hit a ton. Many years the slugger held the all time home run record until he was passed in 2007 by Barry Bonds. He was a great player being a 25 time all star, and his records for runs batted in, extra base hits and total bases still stand!

                                             Historic home run 715


Tha A to Z Challenge continues on Monday!


  1. Hammering Hank is one of the all time greats. Not just a leader in stats, but a leader for humanity!

  2. Hank is an icon here in Atlanta. He was one of the best players I saw, and it was really sad as he got older and you could see him start to break down physically. If they ever exert enough pressure on the Braves to change their name, I think they should change it to The Hammers in his honor.
