Thursday, March 31, 2022

Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2022: A is for Muhammad Ali

 Muhammad Ali was perhaps the first athlete I remember. Muhammad Ali is considered to be the greatest boxer of all time. He had a career record of 56-5 with 37 knock outs. 

Here is his second fight with Leon Spinks, where he won the Heavyweight title for the third time.

Keeping it short and sweet on my first A to Z post this year. Are you a boxing fan? What was your favorite Muhammad Ali fight? Thanks for visiting and I will be back tomorrow with another A to Z post.

1 comment:

  1. I was never into boxing. I remember, when I was a kid, seeing a boxing match on the black & white TV where my dad was wondering why the referee was not calling off the one boxer off of the other who was hanging limply in the ropes. I remember my dad said "He's going to kill him." I find it brutal. I remember Ali and his verbal bouts with Howard Cosell.
