Thursday, December 30, 2021

Milestones: 300,000 views and climbing

 My blog hit 250000 pageviews in late April and has surpassed 300000 pageviews by late December. I am wowed that 50000 plus people (or bots) visited my blog in eight months. I'm surprised and humbled that people visit my blog at all. I am thankful for my visitors, my readers for taking the time to visit.

I guess it is safe to say this blog has an audience.  A purpose, probably not a defined one. Perhaps it is truer to my ramblings. At one point it was more as I phrased it as shameless, self-promotion of my other writings at the time. I have my struggles with the blog but the blog itself continues. I struggle with balance. I constantly struggle with balancing content. Someone called it a music blog and that offended me! (Not that it is a bad thing to be labeled that) It wasn't labeled that online, and who or where isn't important. You will certainly find posts about music here. I like music, it is a big part of my life so obviously it is strongly represented here. However, other topics that cross my mind are also blogged about. The other struggle is time. I can time manage my day job just fine. However, the blog time creates a struggle. Finding the time to write a post, time to visit other folk's blogs, that is the challenge. The day job takes up time, living an adventurous life takes up time, other hobbies and pursuits take up time. 

What's next for the blog? The blog with continue. The struggles will continue. The blog might find purpose or just wander around the interwebs aimlessly. Maybe my audience like trainwrecks? Perhaps my blog is a wonderful trainwreck reflecting the trainwreck I call life.


  1. Congratulations on the page view bonanza!

  2. Congratulations on the milestone. I'm still trying to figure out my blog and blogging in general. Guess I'll just keep plodding along with it for now.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out
