Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Battle of the Bands: All My Tears

 I've used a Julie Miller song before. As I recall some (most) didn't like her vocals. We like different things. Apology or warning. Well with that on with the program.

The song: All My Tears

All right the contestants. 

Contestant One: Buddy Miller

I think this is the first time I have featured a songwriter's spouse as a contestant. Buddy is her husband.

Contestant Two: Jamey Johnson

You know the way it works. I pick a song. You tell me which one you like the best in the comments. I count them up and announce the winner in week, before the Winter Solstice, before Christmas, or before the next Battle.


  1. This is a style/song that I don't care much for so this contest is a tough one since I'm not thrilled with either.

    However, that aside, I much prefer Jamey Johnson's performance. Give him my vote. He almost wins me over for the song.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. Like Arlee, this isn't one of my favorite genres. I'll go with Buddy Miller, because he won the coin toss.

  3. Jamey Johnson was much easier to listen to. He gets my vote.

  4. Merry Christmas, MIKE!

    Yeah, Jamey Johnson, fer sure!
    For one thing, I could understand all the (Good News) lyrics in his rendition. Plus, I just think he's the better singer.

    I hope you have a joyful Christmas season, buddy!

    ~ D-FensDogG

  5. I actually really liked Julie Miller's style, voice, and composition on this one. I'm voting for her. Buddy, not so much. Johnson a distant second.

    Sixgun McItchyfinger

  6. I am going with Jamey. At first I found him a bit blah but that soon changed because he really put his own heart and grief into this song and it moved me deeply so the 2nd guy gets my vote.
