Monday, November 1, 2021

Battle of the Bands: Love Covers

 In the 60s there was a psychedelic band called Love. "7 and 7 Is" is a song that they broke into the top 40 with.

Contender One: Deep Purple

Here is Deep Purple's latest..

Contender Two: Robert Plant

Voting is easy just let me know in the comments which one you like best! I will blog about the winner in a week or so. Enjoy and see you soon!



  1. I didn't discover the band Love until the latter 90's and that was after having read about them for years. Now I have a couple of their albums on CD.

    I don't like this song as much as some of their more "summer of love" sounding hippie psychedelia. The two versions are both pretty good, but I think the version by Plant has the greater energy and originality.

    From me it's a vote for Robert Plant.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. MIKE ~

    For the longest time, I've had Love's 'ALONE AGAIN OR' on my list of songs to BOTB. Someday I may get to that one.

    In this Battle - although both treatments are fairly similar - I think I prefer the DEEP PURPLE recording, primarily because I thought the guitar work was a bit more interesting.

    ~ D-FensDogG

  3. Hey Mike,

    Sorry for the late visit. DH & I are on staycation this week and next. I'm giving my vote to DEEP PURPLE. The 4M crew miss seeing you on the dance floor. We'd love to have you come boogie with us again. ;) Have a great afternoon, my friend!

  4. It's a vote for Robert Plant for me.
