Friday, October 1, 2021

Battle of the Bands: Getting the Led Out for Rocktober

Welcome to October, often referred to Rocktober. I haven't rocked out in a Battle of the Bands for a while. I love Rock and Roll, I just enjoy other music as well. I enjoy throwing in twists and bouncing genres during the battles. Let's go with a little Led Zeppelin.

This time around it is "Heartbreaker" off of Led  Zeppelin II...

Next I have two contenders. Hopefully you will give them a listen and tell me which version you like best in the comments. I count those as votes and announce a winner in about a week. It is really pretty simple. Today I am pitting two guitarists against each other Alvin Youngblood Hart versus Steve Morse I hope you enjoy!

 Contender One: Alvin Youngblood Hart

Contender Two: Steve Morse

Thanks for visiting! Stay tuned for new posts and the next Battle will take place 11.01.21


  1. Both kept pretty true to the spirit of Zep's original.

    Morse did more of the faithful cover and didn't seem to add much new to the sound. Hart gave the song kind of a Southern Rock funk to his cover which made it more appealing to me.

    A vote for Alvin Youngblood Hart.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. Hey Mike,

    I didn't know this song so I went into this battle with an unbiased view. First, let me say you did a good job bring two contenders together with different cover styles. I'm not familiar with either of the cover artists. After listening to both versions, I think I enjoyed the bluesy vibe best between the two. Maybe it just captured my mood right but I'm giving my vote to Alvin Youngblood Hart in this round. When you get a chance stop by vote in my latest BOTB. Have a funtastic weekend, my friend!

  3. Of the two, Alvin Youngblood Hart made the song more than just an imitation of Zep. He gets my vote.

  4. MIKE ~

    Although I'm no longer really a fan of LedZep, I did actually own their IInd album very soon after it was released ('69?) I asked for it for Christmas and Santa brought it to me. (I'm sure the milk & cookies bribe didn't hurt matters.)

    In this Battle, I gotta vote for Alvin Youngblood Hart. I liked the funk factor that he brought to the song. He really made it his own. While on the other hand, Steve Morse played it so similarly to the Zep original that I'm left wondering: Why bother covering it at all?

    ~ D-FensDogG

  5. Alvin Youngblood Hart gets my vote

  6. I am going for Morse who really covered the band well and loved his guitar playing. I just didn't get into Hart and was waiting for it to end.
