Tuesday, August 24, 2021

R.I.P Charlie Watts


The drummer, the time keeper of the Rolling Stones Charlie Watts has passed away at the age of 80. 

It wasn't the spotlight, the flash that made Charlie a star. It was the absence of that. It was simply his talent. 

Below CBS News reports of his death...

"Miss You"

The songs will probably fade away on this post. Charlie's legacy will live on in the recordings, he will always be the beat of the Rolling Stones, Charlie will be missed by peers, bandmates, family, friends and fans may he rest in peace!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike,

    I think it was Alana who paid a little tribute to Charlie in her 4M post. I never seem to hear about celebrity passings unless it's from one of my bloggy buds. We've missed you on the dance floor. Feel free to boogie with us anytime! Will there be a BOTB later today? Stay safe and be well, my friend!

    Nobody Does It Better BOTB Showdown
