Sunday, August 1, 2021

Battle of the Bands: Summer in the City

Back for another round  of the Battle of the Bands, however I will be changing to once a month on the first going forward.  Anyway the heat is in full effect where I am, it is summer time so the song Summer in the City" sounds appropriate.

                                               The original The Lovin' Spoonful...

The format I find the original for a reference, then I find two cover versions. You vote on what cover you like the best in the comments. I announce a winner in a new post in a week or so.

Contender One: Joe Cocker

Contender Two: The Drifters

Tell me which one you liked the best Joe Cocker or The Drifters?  Thanks for visiting and I will see you soon!


  1. The Drifters get my vote. I usually like Joe Cocker but he didn't wow me enough so the Drifters get my vote.

  2. MIKE ~

    Great song! I always dug it. It definitely gives off that hot cat in the city vibe - all dirty and gritty.

    I've never really cared for Joe Cocker's "act", and what is up with the fake phone calls in the middle of the song? Really, Joe?!!

    I've got two votes for ya here:

    1: From me -- THE DRIFTERS. I listened to it a few times, and each time I liked it a bit better'n the time before. I guess this cat had to warm up to it.

    2: From my brother, Nappy -- THE DRIFTERS again. We both definitely like the original best (who wouldn't?), but Nappy also felt like The Drifters sounded better with each new listen.

    I gave Joe equal opportunity listens but, for me, he was actually going in the reverse direction with each new listen.


    ~ D-FensDogG

  3. I'm going with Joe Cocker here. I thought his voice was a better fit for the song, and his didn't drag as much.

  4. Well.. I was GOING to leave a vote for Joe Cocker because The Drifters seemed to struggle to get into the song - but Holy Moly! Once they found their groove, they did a great job (and were much easier to listen to)

    My Vote: The Drifters

  5. Mike,

    Overall I preferred Joe Cocker in this battle. I can't say that I'm crazy about either but I think Joe's gritty vocals are a better suit for the song.

    Pop over when you can to vote in my BoTB showdown when you can! Have a bandtastic evening, my friend!
