Saturday, July 24, 2021

Battle of the Bands Results: Mr. Nobody beats Kenny Chesney

 Mac McAnally shut out Kenny Chesney on my latest Battle of the Bands. The Battle fell on  Mac's Birthday. Announcing the results a bit more kindly one could say Mac edged out Kenny. Honestly the outcome was similar to a soccer match as the songwriter knocked off the Country star two to nothing.

As always we celebrate the winners! 

                                                  "It's My Job"

"Down the Road"

I'll see you down the road! Stayed tune as my blog continues and has posts. I won't have a Battle of the Bands on August 1st. I am putting my participation in the Battle of the Bands on hiatus. Maybe I will jump back in down the road. The lowest votes maybe since my first battle. The lowest pageviews for a Battle of the Bands this year in a month where I have had the most pageviews ever.  Sounds like a good time for a hiatus. Thanks for visiting and I will see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, MIKE ~

    Other than myself, you are the most senior BOTBer still standing, and I'd hate to see you leave now. You were one of the First Five bloggers to begin BOTBing!

    If you don't mind me making a suggestion, I recommend that rather than go on a BOTB hiatus, you simply switch to a 'First of The Month Only BOTB Schedule'. Other than you and John, that is what every other BOTBer has done, and I think it works well.

    To be honest, BOTB has become such a non-thing on the 15th of the month that hardly anyone even thinks about it anymore. Frankly, even I nearly forgot about it this last time, and that's why I was way later'n normal in getting my votes in at your Battle and John's Battle.

    Why don't you just switch to First Of The Month Battles Only, and see how that goes for awhile? I know that your vote total will pick up again, because everyone who BOTBs on the first will be visiting all the Battles in that first week of each month.

    Anyway, please consider joining us again on August 1st, and see you don't get the normal input again immediately.

    Bless And Be Blessed.

    ~ D-FensDogG
