Thursday, July 15, 2021

Battle of the Bands: Back Where I Come From

 It's summer time. Today's song is featured in Jimmy Buffett's set quite a bit because the songwriter has a side gig playing in Jimmy's band. Anyway today will be songwriter versus country star. Let me know which one you like the best in the comments and I will announce a winner in a week or so. 

Mac McAnally 

Kenny Chesney

Mac or Kenny let me know! See you soon!


  1. I like the one by Mac better. It just sounds righter than by Kenny. Mac gets my vote.

  2. MIKE ~

    This is a really nice song that I'd never heard before. Thanks for the introduction! Most probably would miss it because the song is so simple and pleasant sounding, but there's quite a rebellious spirit underneath the surface. Good stuffs, mang!

    Both recordings sounded good, but I definitely prefer the simpler, toned-down approach we get from the songwriter himself, McANALLY.

    And besides that, we "Mc"s gotta stand together!

    ~ Stephen T. McCarthy Presents
