Sunday, April 25, 2021

Milestones: A Quarter Million Page Views

 In just less than five years I went from 100,000 page views to 250,000. A steady climb of about 30k a year which isn't bad. Considering I haven't been writing for many outlets letter so the shameless, self promotion has basically left the building. It may return, I am working on a few things. The future isn't promised and it is unknown. I've never been one to plan out my blog. The A to Z, the Battle of the Bands, the random posts pretty much are all winged. A creative collage of passing thoughts. Personal with brief glimpses into my world. Yet drama free unlike reality. Thanks for visiting, reading and commenting. Without you there would be zero views, no milestones reached. Sometimes you are the catalyst for a future post. It is interactive. So passing a milestone and heading off t reach some more.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations and weel done on your achievments Mike.

