Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Blogging from A to Z Challenge: L is for Leatherback Sea Turtle

 The Leatherback Sea Turtle is the biggest turtle in the world. These giant reptiles like to eat jellyfish.

Below is a video with some quick facts about his large reptile from the sea...

Moving closer to the halfway point. I've covered a lot of reptiles so far and of course there are more to come. I'm trying to mix them up.


  1. Fascinating animals.


  2. Mike,

    Sea turtles are interesting critters. It would be so cool to see one up close. :) I'm behind on my A2Z reading but I will eventually get caught up with you, my friend! ;)

    Lunch Looney Tunes A-Z Art Sketch.

  3. My friend was swimming in the Indian ocean and came across one. He was so mesmerized by it and watched the turtle for quite a while before it took off. When I hear of all that we do to destroy it, it makes me begin to hate human beings.
