Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge: Q is for Querétaro dusky rattlesnake

 No matter what the topic some letters are tougher than others in the A to Z Challenge. Have no fear I did find a reptile for Q. The Queretaro dusky rattlesnake which makes it's home in the highlands of central Mexico.

A short video on the snake...

They are not  huge snake growing just over two feet in length. Well I will be back tomorrow with another reptile.


Anne E.G. Nydam said...

Ha ha, congrats on finding such an interesting Q! I'm actually very fond of the simple queen snake. =)
Black and White: Q for Quentulus Quazgar

Lisa said...

Well, you don't have to be big if you're a pit viper!

Elena @ ElenaSquareEyes said...

I always find the things people find to write about for the more awkward letters interesting :)
My A-Z in April is all about characters I love. Latest post: Q is for Q.

Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

Rather beautiful snake but not something I would want to run into on a sunny day.

Birgit said...

Very pretty snake but wouldn’t want to meet it in the wild.

CAAC said...


Ooo, a rattlesnake! I remember someone had a rattlesnake tail when I was a kid. I thought that was pretty neat. Rattlesnakes and Copperheads were quite common in southern WV where I grew up, so I was always afraid of snakes and always on the look for them in the warmer months as I was walked barefoot.

Quiz an Quackbusters Looney Tunes A-Z Art Sketch