Friday, April 9, 2021

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge: H is for Hawksbill Turtle


Opening up my post on the Hawksbill Sea Turtle with a short video on some turtles in Hawaii. The endangered turtle likes hanging out in tropical reefs.  It is also  a reminder that reptiles don't just live on land. I have been fortunate to see a few sea turtles in the wild but I don't know if they were Hawksbill.


  1. How nice to have seen any sea turtle in the wild! I may have seen one at the Monterey Bay Aquarium years ago. You'd think I'd remember something like that. Now, I need to go see the photos to check my memory!

  2. How fascinating. I didn't know about these turtles, but I certainly hope efforts to save them are successful.

  3. Seeing sea turtles in the wild on four different occasions have been absolute high points of my life. They are so beautiful! I have seen hawksbill once, and the others were green, I believe.
    Black and White: I for Isles

  4. I am so glad for these people who are doing all they can to save these turtles. love these snippets you present here.

  5. Mike,

    I always imagined how fun it would be to hold onto a sea turtle's back as it moves through the water. It might not like that too much but it's always something I thought might like if I weren't such a scaredy Cathy.

    Henery Hawk Looney Tunes A-Z Art Sketch
