Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge: Five Lined Skinks


Next to Anoles the next most common lizard I run into is Five Lined Skinks. It is pretty common in the Eastern United States. They are relatively small growing between 5 and 8.5 inches in length.


  1. I haven't seen that kind of skink. I have Western skinks. I see them in the yard. Pretty big lizards. One had just lost its tail, and that was pretty gross to see. We sold skinks where I worked, some were huge. The look less friendly somehow than other lizards! No thanks!

  2. Forgive me if this posts twice, after hitting the publish button it went back to the empty comment box.
    I was saying, I've never seen that kind of skink, I have Western skinks in my yard. One had recently lost its tail, and it was pretty gross to see! Some we sold in a store where I worked were huge. They have a look that seems less friendly than other lizards.

  3. These are so beautiful! Apparently the five-lined skink is now extinct here in Massachusetts, but I don't know how long ago that was.
    Black and White: F for Faerie

  4. What a lovely reptile. I live in Chicago and have never seen one here, although I understand they live in the southern part of Illinois.

  5. They are cute! I don't think I ever came across one and i live in the Niagara Region(Canada)

  6. I remember trying to catch blue tailed skinks when I was a kid in San Diego. They were very fast so I rarely caught any. If anything I'd sometimes end up with a piece of the broken off blue tail. When I did catch one I wouldn't have it for long because it would always escape.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  7. I love the color of his tail!

  8. Mike,

    We have these little guys running around on our front porch in the summer. They are kind of cute and funny to see.

    Foghorn Leghorn Looney Tunes A-Z Art Sketch
