Saturday, April 3, 2021

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge: C is for Cottonmouth

(Cottonmouth photo Mike Spain)

The Cottonmouth is a venomous, pit viper native to the southeastern United States.  Fun fact the Cottonmouth is the only semiaquatic viper in the world.

(Cottonmouth in the water, photo by Mike Spain)

The snake earned it's name due to a defense behavior where it will open it's mouth. It is a warning it might bite. It would prefer the threat would just leave it alone.

The Cottonmouth is known by many names and is also good at hiding.

Can you see the snake in this picture? (picture by Mike Spain)

If you come across this snake in the wild, it is best to observe from a distance. Do not handle! The snake doesn't want to eat you, you are too big and not on it's menu. If the snake bites you it will ruin your day. At the minimum it will hurt and could be fatal. If bitten seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Stay tuned as the A to Z Challenge will resume on Monday. What reptile will I choose for D? 



  1. I grew up in a place with no venomous snakes (or dangerous animals of any kind, basically). My husband, however, grew up in Louisiana and Tennessee. I am still stunned that his parents let the kids play outside at all... or swim in places that have swimming venomous snakes and snapping turtles :D
    Fun theme! Happy A to Z!

    The Multicolored Diary

  2. I can assure you that if I see a snake I'm going to leave it alone. I'm no fan of poisonous snakes or any other kinds for that matter except for looking at them from a safe position. Other than in a zoo, the only cottonmouth I've ever encountered was not a snake.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  3. I don't know cottonmouths, but I do know rattlers, so try to stay away from any snake in the wild!

  4. Have not seen a Cottonmouth in the wild yet. Just a couple of rattlesnakes. I did see a Red bellied black snake swimming down a river once in Australia when i was a teenager. Love the topic you chose for the challenge


  5. I don't mind snakes but never want to see a venomous one in the wild. To me, they are scary because they can be fast and look how that one is hiding!? I will look at them when they are behind glass though. Actually, there was a reptile house in a mall, years ago. It was really well done and they were all taken good care of. I was staring at this black mamba who was looking at me and in a mile-second he lunged at me, hitting the glass. I think I must have jumped 10 feet back and screamed.

  6. Mike,

    Ooo, a cottonmouth! Call me crazy, but I'm comfortable far, far, away from such snakes.

    Cecil Turtle Looney Tunes A-Z Art Sketch
