Thursday, April 1, 2021

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge: B is for Box Turtle


Photo of Florida Box Turtle by Jonathan Zander

Continuing my way through my A to Z reptiles edition. Today representing B for Box Turtles. Box turtles were once quite common but their numbers have been on the decline.

Here is a short documentary on the Eastern Box Turtle...

The box turtle is a turtle that is terrestrial and is the one any of us have stumbled upon in wooded areas. Hopefully future generations can enjoy Box Turtles as well.

Stay tuned Saturday for my C post.  


  1. One problem is people who do come across them take them home! Of course, they have no idea how to properly care for them. They aren't native in my state of Oregon.

  2. I had to find time to watch this as I love anything about animals. Humans are the worst in respecting the animals and this is just another example how we are the reason for the turtle's decline. I am glad, though, that there are people who do whatever they can to help them.
