Thursday, April 15, 2021

Battle of the Bands: Bad Romance

This time around for my Battle of the Bands I am going with  Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance." First off I have a rock group give their take on the pop hit. I follow that up by a guitar great performing the tune at a Classic Rock Award show a year after Gaga's song shot up the charts. 

I provide the original. Then two covers. My readers then vote by telling me which version they liked the best. I count up the votes and announce the winner a week or so later.

                                                 Lady Gaga "Bad Romance"

Contestant One: Halestorm

Contestant Two: Jeff Beck

Let me know which one you like the best!


  1. I do like this song quite a bit and the video from Lady Gaga. I have to give it to Jeff Beck, and the lack-lustre audience, who played a mean guitar. I prefer this over the heavy metal vibe of the first band.

  2. Jeff Beck's version is masterful, but really I got into the Halestorm version more. They get my vote.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  3. MIKE ~

    This was a no-brainer for me.
    I couldn't even get all the way through the Halestorm version because they just sounded like a million and two other head-banging bands. Zero points for originality.

    The JEFF BECK rendition sounded like what I'd expect from Beck (meaning, good and melodic) and so he easily captures my vote in this Battle.

    ~ STMcC
    DogGtor of Alcohology &
    King of Inebriation Nation

  4. What Stephen said. Another vote for Jeff Beck.
